How to Hack a Website: How to Find Hackable websites

Anonymous @ 11:58 pm 0 comments
I have previously mentioned about SQLI Helper software used to hack website. I have also posted SQLI Helper Tutorial on
how to hack a website.
I was asked by anonymous worm and some other readers about how to find hackable sites which can be hacked using SQLI Helper. So friends, I am now informing you how to find hackable website and then hack website in this tutorial. I have provided link for software download... just read on.

How to hack a Website:

1. Free Download SQL Exploit Scanner to hack website.

2. Run SQL Exploit Scanner.exe application (tested on Windows XP and Windows Vista) to see:

Click on image to see enlarged view

3. Now, select from drop down box in "Options" and select "Blackie" radio button. You can choose any radio button. But, Blackie is giving good results as I have noticed.

4. In "Website and Search Engine Dork", select any dork you want. I have selected "article.php?id=" as you can see in above image.

5. Now, hit on "Go" and you will see list of websites that are found vulnerable. Thus, you can hack websites mentioned in the list. Hit on "Clean Bad URL's" and then "Exploit URL".

6. SQL Scanner software will then display final list of exploited urls which are found vulnerable. Simply click on any url. I have used

and you can see the results.

Click on image to see enlarged view

Thus, since the website is mentioning this error, this website is vulnerable and you can try and hack website.

7. Now, simply put this vulnerable URL in SQLI Helper and follow all steps I have mentioned in my SQLI Helper Tutorial.

So friends, I hope you are now able to find hackable sites using this SQL Exploit Scanner software. This software is very useful to hack website. If you have any problem in using
SQL Exploit Scanner to hack website,
please mention it in comments.

Enjoy SQL Exploit Scanner to hack website...

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