I have been posting on Keylogging since many days like Azure Keylogger or General Keylogger. But, some visitors reported Keylogging not working for them. Different visitors reported different issues. So, I have written this article to tell you all reasons for non-functioning of Keyloggers.
Why is keylogger not working???
1. Issue 1: Not receiving any mail:
This was the most asked issue. Many visitors didn't receive any mail from victim computer. This was mainly caused because they binded keylogger server with a .exe file using a binder which was not supporting the keylogger.But, when they changed their binder, they found keylogger working for them. To check whether keylogge is working for you, I would recommend you to run and test keylogger without binding with any file on your computer.
Issue 2- Mail received but no Keystrokes:
Many visitors received mails from victim computer, but the mails didn't contain any password. This occurs when victim has locally stored passwords on his computer or is using certain addons like LastPass or SecureLogin.
When you use such addons, you don't have to type any password. Simply go to login page and click on Secure Login symbol. Secure Login does the work of entering password and our keylogger is not able to capture any keystroke.
So, in such cases, you can use Password Stealer softwares which send locally stored passwords in your inbox. Refer my article Password Stealer to Hack Email password for more information
3. Issue 3- How to stop Keylogger:
Well, Keylogger runs server.exe file on your computer. So, to stop keylogger, simply go to Task Manager -> Process tab and search for any process which has same name as your server. Suppose, while creating keylogger server, I have saved keylogger as "server.exe", I will be able to see process named server.exe running in Process tab.
So, to stop keylogging, you have to end this process. This can be done by selecting the process and hitting on "End Process" and then "End Now".
Update: Most of the public crypters and keyloggers are detected by antiviruses. If you want to have a FUD version of keylogger, please use best Hacking software- Winspy Keylogger which is FUD(Fully UnDetectable). This is personally recommended keylogger from Techotips.
So friends, I hope this article will help you solve your issues in keylogging. If you have any other issue not addressed in article, please mention it in comments.
Enjoy Keylogging to hack email passwords...
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