Acknsee is an educational network security tool. Its purpose is to teach students in computer science how basic hijacking techniques are used to corrupt a network. A few examples are given: man in the middle, DoS, stack buffer overflow attack.
setting up a test lab is just so easy with jacknsee. Just install it in sorce machine and have some application running on destination machine and you can place a firewall , IDS ,IPS or contentfiltering applications in between and we are ready to explore.
Tools implement to preform network protocol attacks included in jacknsee :
- a raw packet generator
- an arp request/reply generator
- a programm to implement DNS spoofing
- much more
Most of graphical user interface has also been developed. A first scenario is functional : Man in the middle using arp cache poisoning.
Well we havent got time to test this tool but will surely test it and share it rite here ….
Video demo:
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